Mateus Anderle

Software engineer | Mobile development

Hello! I'm Mateus, a software developer with a deep love for crafting elegant and efficient solutions. With a background in mobile and web development, I have honed my skills over the years to create dynamic and user-friendly applications.

My journey in the world of technology began with an insatiable curiosity for problem-solving and a fascination with the ever-evolving landscape of programming. This drive led me to specialize in React Native, React.js, and Next.js, where I've had the privilege of developing a wide range of mobile and web applications.

What sets me apart is my dedication to staying at the forefront of emerging technologies and industry best practices. I thrive on challenges and am always eager to take on new projects that push my own boundaries.

Picture from site's developer
Mobile app screenshot
Bookstore app screenshot

Full Stack Used-Bookstore project

The Used Bookstore is a full stack application designed to manage an online store for used books. It includes a mobile app that runs on both Android and iOS devices, two web applications - one for administrative purposes to add, remove, and edit products, and the other for e-commerce to browse and purchase products. Lastly, there is an API that provides data for both the web and mobile applications.

My mobile projects

In this carousel, you can see some of the projects I've developed for Android and iOS platforms. In building them, I've employed various technologies and strived to follow industry best practices. Some of the technologies and features utilized include: Typescript, Redux, Zustand, Styled-components, React-navigation, Async-storage, Axios, React-query, React-hook-form, JEST, React-native-testing-library, and many other technologies that enhance the usability and performance of the applications

Mobile app screenshot

WEB Projects

Here you can see some of the projects I developed using React.JS and Next.JS. With simple and intuitive interfaces, I built them using the best technologies employed by the market, including but not limited to: Typescript, Stitches, Axios, React-query, React-hook-form, YUP, ZOD, and many others